Ice Age – Dawn of the Dinosaurs – Christian Movie Review
Movie Title: Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs
Rating: PG
Director: Carlos Saldanha
Staring: Voices of; Ray Romano; Queen Latifah; Denis Leary; John Leguizamo and Simon Pegg.
Category: Kids/Family
Moms of Faith Rating: 8 out of 10
Intro: The third edition of this hilarious movie series. My favorite, so far.
Review: Our family has always liked Ice Age…from Scrat to Diego and everything in between. The third chapter, in my opinion, was the best. I was literally laughing throughout the entire movie. Very rare for me. LOL.
Without giving too many details…
Scrat finds love… dinosaurs abound… babies are born… Manny and Sid become fathers… Action and adventure abound and surprising compassion envelopes the film.
There has always been great friendship and loyalty within the unusual herd that stars in the Ice Age movies. However, in the third chapter, we really see this friendship tested and find out what it’s made of.
There is only one thing that could be a problem for younger viewers and that is the dinosaur factor. There are a few violent scenes that are scary. Little ones may not be ready for that. So, I suggest you watch the film first, cause you know what your precious ones can handle or not.
Other than a few scary scenes and Ice Age’s normal potty humor, it was a fairly decent movie. I do not endorse the potty humor and think it is quite unnecessary, however, it was there and I made the choice to see it. All in all, I was fine letting the kids watch it. Surprisingly, from what I remember, they did not even mention evolution! YEAH! It sure made this Christian Momma happy!
Conclusion: Again, I really liked Ice Age…DAWN of the Dinosaur. I did not get to see it in 3-D, but I bet it was FAB! We saw it at the dollar theater and had a blast. I think you and your family will love it as well! Warning…get ready for some major belly laughs!